Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010
Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Sunday, September 4, 2011

First Day of School

Kids started school August 22nd and they were all very excited, even Sara. I was very nervous about how Sara was going to handle the kids going back to school and being gone all day without her. So, Sara put on HER backpack and I loaded her and Brooklyn into the double stroller and walked the 20 minutes to school with the other kids. Thankfully we didn't have any meltdowns when we said goodbye to the other kids. She did ask quite a bit during the first few days where the kids were. The new school charts are helping and we are all gradually adjusting to the new school/soccer schedule. (A couple weeks before school started we had the kids yearly doctor check ups so I've included their stats.)

I forgot to take an individual of Sara the day school started for the others so we took it the day after, but here it is. Sara is such a cute two (almost three) year old. She is 36.5" tall, which is finally leveling off in the 35%, and her weight is in the 55% at 31 lbs.

Rachel is going into 4th grade this year and will soon be ten years old, which I still can't believe. She and Kaylee are exactly the same height at 49.5", but she weighs three pounds more at 55.2 lbs. This puts Rachel in the 3% range for height and the 15% range for weight. We continuously remind her that big things come in small packages.

Kaylee starts 3rd grade this year. Once again, she is 49.5" tall and weighs 52.2 lbs. At least she and Rachel can share lots of clothes. These measurements put Kaylee in the 35% for height and 25% for weight.

Bryant is very excited to be in 2nd grade this year. He is just shorter than his sisters at 48" tall, and weighs 46.6 lbs. These measurements put him in the 50% for height and the 25% for weight. He's already finding lots of "mates" in his classroom and soccer team. We are strongly encouraging this because he will need lots of them to survive with four sisters. ;-)

Here's the group (minus Brooklyn) all ready for their first day of school. (Take note of Sara's backpack. She was so excited to have one too, just like her big brother and sisters.)


Silvey Mothership said...

wow, 3 in school and they all seem to love it. They are growing up so fast! They are really good, cute kids! Love 'em!!!

lecia said...

Well, you have all been in school for a few weeks now. I am glad all check-ups were good. I can idenify with the "little things" saying, Rachel. Kaylee in the 3rd Grade! time is moving on. Bryant has probably found lots of friends. Sara is adorable with her backpack. What a good idea. Beautiful kids. Have a great school year.