Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010
Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Tuesday, December 1, 2009


So I've not been very good at getting on here since school started. Number four is giving me a run for my money. I can't seem to get on top of things, and I feel like we've been sick for several months. Anywho.....I wanted to let everyone know that we are still alive.

Sara started taking her first steps about three weeks ago. She can now walk about 10-15 steps when she wants too. She is so cute, and sooo spoiled. No wonder she didn't start walking until 14 months, she was carried everywhere she wanted to go. :) She continues to be a Daddy's girl. Caleb and I both enjoy that. She's got him wrapped around her little finger already. Anytime Daddy's got a treat she watches and follows his every move getting as many snitches as she can until it's all gone. It's fun to watch.

Bryant continues to challenge our patience and is such a bright little boy. He is very quick to pick up on things. And is very stubborn. Don't even think about pushing it if he isn't ready to do something. Today he put some of the pick-up-sticks inside the girls recorder. I told him the he knew better and asked why he did that. He reply, "I didn't mean to." I told him he couldn't "accidentally" cram the sticks in there and he said, "It's just that my brain's not working right." I couldn't help it... I totally cracked up laughing that was so funny. I did eventually get them out with some surgical tweezers, but broke one of the sticks in the process.
Kaylee is turning into quite the little helper. She loves to organize and straighten things. (Not always at the most convenient times, but I'll take it.) She's our little tender hearted girl and seems to get upset at some of the simplest of things. She simply adores Sara and loves to play with her. She and Bryant have really started to get a long well and play together a lot.

Rachel is growing so fast. She's not my little girl anymore. She can be a very good help sometimes, but is getting into a spacy stage. It's often that she will halfway complete a task and totally forget what the rest of it was. When she wants to she can be very good at helping the others get their jobs done. It's nice to have helpers, but I'm not sure I'm ready for her to grow up any more. It's been fun to see her personality come out more as she grows. We watched "The Hannah Montana Movie" and "Flicka" a couple of months ago and the next day she told me she wanted some cowgirl boots. A few days late she came out of her room with a new ensemble of blue jeans, white shirt, blue jean vest (came with a dress) and casual shoes. A very cowgirl look and she was sure cute! Wish I had taken a picture.

Caleb has been pretty busy at work with the Adobe acquisition. With him being in a managing position it has meant a little more work for him. I think the hardest part of it all is behind him now and we are glad to find that this acquisition will be a slight step up in the benefits and time off. Omniture has been a great company to us and it looks like that is not going to change anytime soon. In his limited spare time he continues to find projects to improve our home and improves his skills at Rock Band too. He is such a great father and husband. He is definitely one of the greatest blessings in our lives.

I am continuing chiropractic treatment and am so grateful for the improvement I have seen in my overall health since I started treatment with a great chiropractor. I am kept busy with laundry, meals, kids homework, and so on. When I'm able to I try to fit in a few craft/sewing projects and occasionally read some good books. This is definitely a busy time, but when I remember to stop and appreciate the little things I realize what a joy it is and how many little things there are to be thankful for. I thank my Father in Heaven for how blessed we are. We are fortunate that Caleb has a good job and can provide for our needs which allows me to be where I want to be, at home to take care of our children. We are blessed with a beautiful family and a gospel understanding that guides us every step of the way. We are blessed to come from two amazing families which play such an important role in our lives, and give us so many great examples to look to. I pray often that I can do even half as good a job as our parents have done and continue to do.


Hiatt Family said...

Thanks for the update! Your kids are all wonderful. I can't believe how much little Rachel has grown up, how sweet Kaylee is, how stubborn Bryant is, and how enticing little Sara is! You have a great family and lots to be thankful for! We miss you guys! Mason regularly asks to go see your kids!

Silvey Mothership said...

Yay, new post. I love your family! Each one is a choice blessing that I am so greatful for! Thanks for the update. I'm so glad you guys are nearby so we get to see you regularly.

Lecia said...

I just found this post (a little late). Thanks for sharing. Your children are beautiful. I laughed when I read about Bryant's comment about the sticks & his brain not working right. Too funny. Sounds logical right? Rachel & Kaylee are beautiful girls. Love you all tons.