Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010
Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Kids and projects

I'm at home this week and have access to pictures, so we'll start off with one that was taken a couple weeks back...

We had one of those random storms that comes in March/April and the kids pulled out their snowman kit. The kit includes MOST of the stuff required to make a snowman - notice the arms are made out of utility flags that they "borrowed" from the neighbors... I hope they don't hit the gas line when they have the trenching done for their sprinkler system!

Here's a pic of the little rascals from today - they were playing on the bean bag and I snapped a quick one.

So Bryant decided he wanted some popcorn today. I don't know how long it had been in, all I know is that I could smell something while I was upstairs. I went to the stairs, looked down and all I could see was a billowing cloud of smoke and the distinctive smell of overcooked popcorn (and at this point I'm wondering why the smoke alarms didn't go off). I run down the stairs and see Bryant standing on the chair by the stove waiting to get the popcorn out of the microwave. As I'm stopping the microwave (which still had about 15:00 left on the timer) he asks, "Dad, did the popcorn burn?" Needless to say we opened all the windows to air out the house. Even after a couple hours the smell remains... That kids drives me nuts sometimes.

Finally I can scratch one project off the list. I finished the raised garden bed yesterday. We no longer have a huge mound of dirt because it's spread out in the box. It's about 10x15 feet and is made out of redwood. Once we get the sprinkler system done (starting up that project this week because I'm actually in town) we should be ready to plant.

Monday, April 14, 2008


So I just realized that we're about halfway through the month and I don't have a single post up yet... that just might be an indicator that things are getting busy!

So the pneumonia is past, although the effects are long-lasting. Since the stuff in your lungs takes up space you can't get oxygen as well. Since seeing the doctor and going through the antibiotic regimen my breathing has steadily improved. For several days I'd get winded really easily and go into a coughing fit. The past week has gotten a little better each day - fewer coughing fits and more energy. Dr. Porter suggested that it would probably be a month before I really feel 100% again. I think that will be about right before it's all said and done. Bottom line - don't get pneumonia!

I was back in San Diego last week and headed down again tonight. The team down there is progressing and I think I'll be able to cut it way back in a few weeks. I'll be in UT next week and probably won't need to return for possibly 2 weeks. That's a good sign. I need to be at home more - not only to be with the family, but also because we have a number of projects that need to be done...

List of projects:
  1. Finish raised garden bed and move excess dirt
  2. Install sprinkler heads and get the system running
  3. Finish shelf project in closet under stairs
  4. Plant the garden (end of month)
  5. (ongoing) mow the yard
These are the most pressing things at hand. They all take time and right now the only time I have is on Saturdays. If I'm at home I can work in the evenings since it's about 7:30 or 8:00pm before the sun goes down. All the neighbors are starting their projects now. Before too long we'll have a nice looking neighborhood.

Heather continues to get bigger. 'Nuff said there - she's expecting! The kids are doing fine and, now that it's warm, like to be outside as much as possible. Bryant is still testing our patience and now refuses to go potty in the toilet. We put him back in diapers.

Sorry, no pics this time. We'll get more up soon.