Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010
Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Kids and projects

I'm at home this week and have access to pictures, so we'll start off with one that was taken a couple weeks back...

We had one of those random storms that comes in March/April and the kids pulled out their snowman kit. The kit includes MOST of the stuff required to make a snowman - notice the arms are made out of utility flags that they "borrowed" from the neighbors... I hope they don't hit the gas line when they have the trenching done for their sprinkler system!

Here's a pic of the little rascals from today - they were playing on the bean bag and I snapped a quick one.

So Bryant decided he wanted some popcorn today. I don't know how long it had been in, all I know is that I could smell something while I was upstairs. I went to the stairs, looked down and all I could see was a billowing cloud of smoke and the distinctive smell of overcooked popcorn (and at this point I'm wondering why the smoke alarms didn't go off). I run down the stairs and see Bryant standing on the chair by the stove waiting to get the popcorn out of the microwave. As I'm stopping the microwave (which still had about 15:00 left on the timer) he asks, "Dad, did the popcorn burn?" Needless to say we opened all the windows to air out the house. Even after a couple hours the smell remains... That kids drives me nuts sometimes.

Finally I can scratch one project off the list. I finished the raised garden bed yesterday. We no longer have a huge mound of dirt because it's spread out in the box. It's about 10x15 feet and is made out of redwood. Once we get the sprinkler system done (starting up that project this week because I'm actually in town) we should be ready to plant.


Silvey Mothership said...

One of the kids have to keep you guessing and on your toes. At least it's not tag team like Nate and Brad were. Glad he didn't burn down the house! Looking at them all on the bean bag I know they are angels! Gotta love 'em! Granny

Hiatt Family said...

So, why didn't the fire alarms go off? Weird... That cracks me up though. what a little trouble maker/finder. I love the snowman too. The raised garden looks nice, but not nearly big enough for my tastes! I guess you do what you can with the size of yard that you have. Tell the kids "hi" for us! July can't come soon enough. I miss those little punks.

Hannah said...

Man that snowman looks special. Just letting you know that I helped mom pick out Bryant's little outfit. I don't know when you'll see it, but it's super freakin' duper cute. I take all the credit.

Bradley, DeAnna, Donovan, and Chamae said...

Bry cracks me up. I have the feeling Donovan is going to be a lot like him. He is already a little stinker.