Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010
Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Thursday, February 24, 2011


We had our ultrasound appointment Tuesday. I've been measuring four weeks bigger than what I should be so we were a little nervous about twins, but the ultrasound has settled those nerves. We found out that we are having One Girl and she was sure giving the tech a hard time of getting the measurements and such that he needed. In the beginning she had her ankles crossed and tucked up into her bum so he couldn't see anything. Then she wouldn't turn over so he could get a good look at her heart. He finally had to get pictures from different angles and piece them together because she wouldn't cooperate. Everything looked good except her kidneys. If I understood correctly they aren't draining all the way, but he said that usually take care of itself by 30 weeks so I will go back in then for another ultrasound to make sure. He got some cute pictures: with her legs straight out and her feet tucked behind her head, one hand opened, one hand making a gun with her pointer and thumb sticking out.
Poor Bryant was so disappointed when he came home from school and found out it was a girl. I reassured him that it will still be fun, to which he replied with his slumped shoulders and pouty face, "I know, I just really want a brother." Kaylee was also a little disappointed. She and Bryant both groaned slightly when I told them all it was a girl. Rachel however was very excited and blurted out, "YES!" I'm sure they will all be excited once they settle into the idea of a girl. Bryant and Caleb are just going to have to get used to being outnumbered I guess. ;-)
They also moved my due date ahead to July 6th instead of June 28th. We'll see if the doctor adjusts it any when I see him in a couple weeks. The tech said that they way I'm carrying the baby is what's making me measure bigger.
I've really been feeling her move a lot the last two or three weeks, which is kind of fun until she keeps me awake at night. We are glad to know what to expect now so we can get Sara into a bed (bunk beds probably) and start rearranging furniture to fit in another girl. Fun Times!


Alexis said...

Congratulations! Wahoo!!! Thanks for sharing the fun update, as well as everyone's reactions. I hope you continue to feel good in this 2nd trimester :-)

As for bunk beds, Paul just finished building a 'loft' bed, which we painte pink. We already had a double bed in the girls room, so he built a single to go over the top, and it works GREAT, took less wood & $$, and the girls love it! It's a great 3-some solution, while the baby's in a crib. I'll send you pics if you want.

Loves and Congrats!

Kirsta Silvey said...

Yikes! 4 girls in one room? I can't see that lasting for long. Of course, I only had one sister to share with and we still didn't share well. Congrats on the little girl! We're so excited for a new cousin!

Hiatt Family said...

Hahaha! I think we were all hoping for another boy for you but kind of assumed it would be a girl! Oh well! Bryant and Caleb will survive. Your girls are so cute and fun it will be great adding another one! Yeah, good luck with all the girls in one room. That sounds like a loud slumber party every night! You know, I shared a room with Brad for a while. I would put the baby in with Bryant. Maybe he can mold her into more of a tomboy to play with rather than his princess sisters! You know, Brad and I shared a room and he wanted to grow up to be a girl for a while! Anyway, this is getting long. Congrats! Can't wait to see you guys soon! Mason is already wanting me to countdown the days until you come!

Silvey Mothership said...

Congratulations! I am pleased and hoping she is a July baby instead of June. I know it's not my time frame we're looking at but....all the same it's my wish. Yes, my kids have shared rooms on many occasions while they were young especially. Lenna and Caleb and Lenna and Brad, Hannah and Scott. Bunk beds work great that way. I told Caleb he's a good dad for princesses and we will all LOVE another girl(orboy) in the family!