Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010
Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Doctors..... It's a love - hate relationship...

We have been to the doctor so many times over the last few months I'm really getting tired of it all. I'm so glad we have that option and so very thankful for the blessings of a close and well meaning medical profession, but I've lost count of our recent visits. We have been multiple times for my pregnancy and the girls eczema, in addition to our regular chiropractor visits. We also had to take Bryant last month for an allergic reaction to something that manifested itself in hives that stuck around for a week. Then, we had to take Rachel to insta-care for swollen hands and what was later diagnosed as eczema herpeticus (viral infection in the ecaema skin) with a secondary bacterial infection in the ecaema skin. And, what do ya know, yesterday we were back again with Sara. What the crap is going on!?! Sara ate some store bought trail mix and within half an hour her eye was swelling and had the start of hives. She started crying and complaining that her stomach hurt. While I was trying to console her and decide what to do she threw up all over herself, me, the couch, and the floor. That decided it... a quick clean up and we're off to the doctor's again. After checking her airway and lungs to make sure breathing wasn't impaired we were told to give her benadryl and treat her symptoms. We're still not sure what exactly set it off, but she is doing much better today. At least we didn't have to go to insta-care again. I guess we're making up for all our healthy years, right?
Please keep us in your prayers so that all the allergy and eczema stuff that's going on in our family will be resolved. I really don't want to make any more unexpected doctor's visits for a long, LONG time. ;-) Hopefully things are cleared up enough with the girls skin that when the baby comes I'm not still having to put topical creams, etc on them multiple times a day. Anyway, there's a quick little update of our year thus far... Enough doctor visits to pay for their mortgage, but so thankful for them all the same. And so very greatful for Caleb's job, which offers good insurance. Like I said, it's a love - hate thing. :-)


Bradley, DeAnna, Donovan, and Chamae said...

I have been thinking about Rachel and wondering about her poor hands! Whenever I think of it I want to text or call, but then something comes up with my own kids and I space it! I'm glad there's a diagnosis and that it's getting better. I feel her pain! Eczema on it's own is miserable enough! We'll keep you guys in our thoughts and prayers.

Silvey Mothership said...

It's crazy! I still wonder why eczema seems to be contagious. Is there such a form? Hurray for insurance and modern medicine. I too hope things are under control soon.

Aunt Gina said...

Hang in there Heather! I hope all the skin problems heal up soon. No fun.

Hiatt Family said...

Always be grateful for good insurance. I know we are!