Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010
Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Friday, November 14, 2008

A Sara Update (by Heather)

I've really enjoyed having a baby again. They bring such a sweet spirit to our home. It's so fun to be able to cuddle them and watch them grow. Sara has started making noises this last week, especially when I talk to her. She'll look at me and coo like she's trying to talk too. She also has started to really smile the last several weeks. It's so fun. It makes all the sleepless nights worth it.

The kids are still a big help. They love to give her kisses and hugs. They still like to hold her, although it doesn't usually last very long. Bryant likes to get right up in her face so that his face is only inches from hers. He'll just sit like that and smile at her. I'll tell him to talk to her and he'll say, "Hi" with this look of "now what Mom?" It's really cute. A couple of days ago when I was feeding her he was sitting by me and just started randomly poking her cheek. I don't know if he was checking to see if it was squishy or what. He would poke his finger in, and then pull it out, poke it in, pull it out. He must have done it like ten times. It was really cute. Kaylee also told me the other day that she "really likes having a baby sister." Occasionally one of the kids will come over and ask to hold the bottle while she's eating. I'll say yes and they'll hold it for about 5 seconds and then tell me their arm is tired. Bryant will do this several times in one feeding, but for the girls once is enough.


Bradley, DeAnna, Donovan, and Chamae said...

It sounds like Bry is really enjoying having a baby sister! I was wondering how he would do not being the baby. We are so excited to see all of you guys, just a little over a week!

Kirsta Silvey said...

I'm really glad Bry has warmed up to Sara. She sounds like a good baby.

Silvey Mothership said...

I'm so glad you are still enjoying her. I know it makes it crazy when you don't get enough sleep. She really is growing and so dang cute! I still think she looks most like Bry but then I haven't held her or talked to her for almost a week, things could change that fast!

Hannah said...

Sounds like you're just living it up! I love the little stories about Bry. What a little stud muffin! I can't wait to see everyone...especially sara! One week!

Hiatt Family said...

Ah... the joys of an infant. You make it sound blissful. Too bad you were probably seriously lacking sleep when you wrote this. Just kidding. it's fun to hear how the kids are reacting to her. I'm sure sara will be just as entertained as mason was with so many kids up in her business all the time!