Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010
Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Friday, June 5, 2009

Sara's Check-up (8 mo) by Heather

We took Sara into the doctor last week to have another check up and make sure that she is still gaining enough that we can start her on some solids. (Last check up Dr. Porter said she still really needed the calories from the formula so we've pretty much stuck to that.) She's doing so much better. She still doesn't drink 6 bottles in a day, but that extra scoop of formula in each bottle seems to have done the trick. Here are her stats:

Weight: 16 lbs. 12 oz. (26%)
Height: 27 in. (48%)
Head Circ: 17 in. (38%)

We are all relieved and were given the go ahead to start doing more solids. In addition to the great check up her first tooth finally broke through the gums last week and her second tooth is getting close. They are both coming in on the top, not the very front teeth but the tooth on either side of the front two. She is also very mobile (has been for several weeks), but still chooses to scoot along on her belly, pulling with her hands and pushing with her toes. I've seen her crawl a few steps on her hands and knees, but she quickly flops back to her belly. She has really started to pull up on a lot of stuff, but either gets stuck there once she's standing and cries until someone helps her back to the floor, or she just lets go and flops straight onto her back.

(Thanks for her cute little outfit Lenna)


Kirsta Silvey said...

She looks very very cute! I'm so glad she's growing and learning and developing. She's such a sweet little girl.

Hiatt Family said...

oh my heck she is so cute and looks adorable in red polka dots! I'm impressed with her weight gain. maybe addi won't catch her after all... yay!

Aunt Gina said...

Yay Sara Lu! Keep up the good work!

Bradley, DeAnna, Donovan, and Chamae said...

Her legs are getting so chubby, I love it!

Alexis said...

I can truely sympathize with you, Heather. Sadly, Samantha didn't put on any pounds until she started eating more solids. She was 13 lbs from 3 months to 9 months, and barely pushed over the edge to 14 lbs at 10 months. Two months later, after getting over sicknesses and eating more solids, she packed on 3 lbs to make her 17 lbs and back on the charts at 3% - HILARIOUS! That was a couple months ago, so I'm hoping she even more now, but that whole mobility thing does nothing to keep that chubbish figure. Don't move, Sara! Don't move!

Lecia said...

She is adorable! She has such a pretty face & inviting eyes. so glad she is doing better. Sorry it took me so long to get here. Better late than never!

Hiatt Family said...

Um... time for an update? I keep waiting for Kaylee birthday pictures!