Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010
Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Free Corn

So I was outside working on the swing set stuff yesterday (which is coming along nicely) and was interrupted by my neighbor's father. He came up and asked if we like corn and if he could give us a bag. I said sure and thank you! A little bit later when my neighbor came out we were chatting out by the trailer his dad was towing (that's where the corn came from). They asked if we wanted more and that whatever we didn't take was going to the horses. I asked if we could give him anything for it and he promptly declined.

I went inside to ask Heather if she wanted to process a bunch of corn and if she did, to come out and help me get some. We stacked many ears of corn into our wheelbarrow to the point where it was heaping and then went inside to call Mom & Dad and Nate & Kirsta. We all got together in the afternoon for a couple of hours and went through the process - shucking, soaking, blanching, cutting, and bagging. At the end of it all we wound up with close to 60 bags of corn with about 3 cups in each. Quite the haul and best of all it was free!


Hiatt Family said...

did you taste it first to make sure it wasn't that yucky field corn?

Bradley, DeAnna, Donovan, and Chamae said...

If it is, I am going to laugh at you all. But at least it was free.

Caleb said...

It passed the Nate test. It's good. :)

Kirsta Silvey said...

While we were shucking it we called it hillbilly corn because there were so many ears that only had a few kernals—similar to the amount of teeth in a hillbilly's mouth. But it really does taste good, and we're thankful to have it!

Hannah said...

I like corn :)

Silvey Mothership said...

I didn't do corn, I canned green beans. 7 qt this day plus a big batch fresh to Caleb's and us.

Genealogy Dad said...

I helped. I tasted too, good ol' yeller corn. Swingset looks great too.