Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010
Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Important Poll

POLL: Which swing set would your kids prefer?

It's about time I make good on my Mother's Day promise to my mom. We're ready to buy materials and build a swing set for her back yard. We want to include a slide, a rock wall (my kids' request), and space for 3 swings off the main beam. We plan to have at least 1 regular swing, a horse swing, and a tire swing. We could easily exchange a trapeze, infant swing, or another glider, etc. in any of the swing locations. For that matter, we could always add on to the swing set in the future (swings off both sides)

I'm looking for your thoughts on the following basic designs:

Option #1 - custom design similar to what you see in this picture.
Cost = about $1000 and time to measure, cut, drill, assemble, etc.
The first design features a 4' x 6' deck with an open area underneath. Under the playset is open (about 4 1/2 ft clearance), leaving extra area for running, adding a round tire swing, or a picnic bench. We might come up with other ideas for underneath. I'm thinking about getting rid of the rope ladder. The down side is definitely the custom nature of the project. We have to measure and cut most boards.

Option #2 - a box kit
Cost = about $1400 for the kit and materials
This second design costs a little more. It features a multi-level deck (4ft and 5ft) and has more of a playhouse feel. The area underneath the decks is a little smaller and confined due to the posts - the kit suggests a sand box. The advantage here is the speed to get it set up. But it costs more.

In the end, we're putting up a swing set - very soon. Please let me know if you have any strong preferences on the design. I'd like to start on the project this week if possible.

Also - particularly to my siblings - if you'd like to contribute to the cost knowing that your kids will also enjoy, we'd appreciate anything you'd like to throw our way. Please let us know if you'd like to pitch in.


Kirsta Silvey said...

I guess I like making things harder, because I prefer the custom one. It looks like it would be easier to expand on as grandkids continue to come and to tailor to your mom's desires. We're down for contributing some bucks and some time. (I'm volunteering Nate's time here, because I'm pretty sure I'd be worthless.)

Hiatt Family said...

Well, I showed Mason the pictures and he likes choice number one - custom. Mason would love a place to dig underneath, but I know that can get pretty messy. Swings are a must for the little babies for sure. I liked the swingset we had in Spfld. That's what I am picturing...but I don't have to build anything so it really turns out to be whatever you Utah folks have time and money for. We are willing to contribute but that needs to be worked out fairly...I don't know what fairly is...

Hiatt Family said...

So now what?

Hiatt Family said...

Brad and Scott had a great put the money down upfront (daddy warbucks) and then when our kids come to play at Granny's, we will put a dollar in the toll box for each kid that uses it each time. We just aren't around much to enjoy it, unfortunately, so it may take some time to get a sizeable contribution from we Iowa Silveys. Ha.

Caleb said...

I've picked up materials and have started the prep work. We'll be working on it and send you pics as it develops.