Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010
Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Wednesday, February 6, 2008


Okay, so I don't have pictures on the road except for the one that I've put together of the kids that's currently my desktop, so here's what you get to start out...

Here's my old desktop photo too - this was taken at Newport Beach in December 2006 when the family went to Disneyland...

I don't have access to the photos except on the weekends and that time is currently going to the sanity checks - helping Heather out and spending time with the fam. We'll get Heather posting soon and she'll have access to the more recent pics.

Okay - it's a deep thought moment.
So it's not very often when we're able to sit back and reflect on just how far we've come. I had a discussion with a coworker last night about how far we've come with Omniture. We both reflected on where the organization was back when we started and where it's headed, and quite frankly, it's really exciting. We're currently the fastest growing public software company in the US and possibly the world! I work with some really amazing and smart people - hopefully I'm one of them.

In reflecting on this a little more this morning I remembered some hikes I've taken up into the mountains. You may recall that to get to the top of a mountain there are switchbacks - places where the trail cuts back against the way that you were walking before to ease the climb upward. It's a zig-zag path and not always the easiest climb, but the view only gets better as you go up. When you're intensely focused on the path you don't always get the view to see where you are. Sometimes you have to stop and evaluate the progress you've made and just take in the view.

Take a few minutes to take in the view of where you are - family, career, school, or other goals and activities you have going on. You're probably farther along the trail than you imagined.

1 comment:

Hiatt Family said...

Deep thoughts by Caleb...thought provoking and true. Thanks for the pics. Can't wait to see more. We miss the little punks.