Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010
Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Always wear your safety equipment...

...And don't play racquetball with beginners.

If you haven't already heard, Scotty nailed me just below the eye while playing raquetball yesterday. I was serving the game point serve - dad and I were up 14 to 11 against Scott and Nate. I served a high one to Scott who was back and to my right. I watched the ball as it went past to see if it was in play because it was a high serve. As I turned I saw Scott make a play on the ball before it hit the floor or back wall. Scott has terrible aim and ball came careening toward my head, which by this time was turned at him. The ball connected and I went down pretty quick, eye throbbing, blood rushing (swelling), lots of initial shock and pain. We got ice and I iced it down before I left. Dad was bugging me to take pictures, so here they are. This first one was taken within an hour of being hit.

Heather hasn't been feeling well the last couple days so I had dad pick me up to go get my eye checked today. They dilated my eye (that's a first for me) and I'm still pretty light sensitive. Everything is fine - no sight loss, just a couple of small scratches on the surface that will heal, and an evil eye that will probably have some red in it for the next 2-3 weeks. Here's a pic from this afternoon. If you click on it for the details you can still see my dilated eye.

I'm fine, although it's pretty annoying to have the puffiness around my eye. Needless to say I will be wearing my safety glasses next time we play.
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Silvey Mothership said...

Yeah that looks pretty bad but much better from yesterday. Glad it's not permanent! Good idea to wear safety glasses.

Bradley, DeAnna, Donovan, and Chamae said...

Your one dilated pupil looks like both of Brad's. That is a pretty sweet racquetball wound though. Did it scare your kids?

Genealogy Dad said...

In defense of Scott, his aim had nothing to do with your eye getting in the way of his shot!

A pirate's patch was not in the cards for you. Good thing...wear your glasses from now on! How I let you guys influence me to play a couple times without them is beyond me. Never again!

Can't believe how bad it looked yesterday compared to today. Glad everything checked out ok. Getting whacked is not fun is it?

Hannah said...

You're eye is sick...sick in both ways. Looks like Scott got the best of you ha. I hope it goes away, I know the feeling of a messed up's no fun.

Hiatt Family said...

Um...that's pretty awesome. Sorry, but it is. You are right though, Scott has awful aim so it doesn't surprise me that he was the one that hit you. Guess next time I play you will all make me wear the stupid goggles too...

Gina said...

You guys should switch to playing wallyball in that racketball room! It's way more fun and has a bigger ball to get injured with! Ha! Hope your eye is better soon :)

Bradley, DeAnna, Donovan, and Chamae said...

I am ready to hear about the baby situation. How is Heather feeling? Is she about to pop? Are the kids getting so excited? Any names picked out?

Hiatt Family said...

Ok, Ok. We will were protective gear...but seriously, it's time for an update. Surely your eye doesn't look as ugly any more.