Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010
Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Beware the ides of March

So it's March. One of Rachel's first homework assignments this month was to watch the weather and determine if the month came in like a lion or a lamb. Rachel said it came in like a lion so I hope that the wind and cold will die down as the month moves on. It's actually been quite nice this past week. I was comfortable in downtown SLC in short sleeves and Saturday was a nice working day.

This is the first week that I've been "home" during the week. Omniture actually got me a room at the Little America for our conference this week, so I wasn't literally at home, but being in Utah was helpful. I had Friday off to run errands and I had Scotty come help me with some cleaning and garage projects on Saturday. I love long weekends.

We celebrated Heather's birthday yesterday as well. It's actually the 12th, but because people have time on the weekends and the fact that I will be gone during the week we did it this weekend. Heather requested glazed ham and pineapple on the rotisserie. We added baked beans, funeral potatoes, salad and rolls to top off the meal. We wish the rest of the family were here to share it.

After the meal I worked Scott in a round of Guitar Hero, nearly tripling his score. He wasn't too happy about that. Then we played Uno. Bryant wanted to be partners with Nate and we had a good time with that. Bry was in charge of getting the cards and putting them down. He showed us all the red 8, then Nate realized what was going on.

Heather has still not been 100%. We think that the chiropractics have helped her so much that she now gets to experience normal pregnancy. She currently can't eat much at once without feeling the nausea. We all hope it passes soon.

Finally, mom wanted to take a picture of Kirsta's growing waistline. Here are a couple of pics for your enjoyment. It took a little coaxing of Nate to pose for the picture, but you be the judge - who's bigger? Nate or Kirsta?


Silvey Mothership said...

Thanks for indulging your Mom! I know the Iowa folks want to see how Kirsta really looks-herself not as a veggie. Have a good week! Mom

Bradley, DeAnna, Donovan, and Chamae said...

Kirsta is so hot right now. I was so happy to see the belly, but I still don't believe it, were you guys stuffing her shirt? Thanks for posting that, Lenna and I were just discussing how fun it would be to see Kirsta with a belly!

Kirsta Silvey said...

Yikes! There's something unnerving about seeing a picture of myself looking like that. My self esteem would have taken a real hit if it wasn't for Nate standing there looking just as big as me.

Hiatt Family said...

Yea for baby bumps and yea for uno and yea for chiropracters and yea for blogs.