Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010
Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Sunday, March 15, 2009

A few pictures to enjoy. (by Heather)

I wasn't feeling too great last week so I didn't do much with the blog. Here's some pictures from the last few weeks for you to enjoy. :)

We gave Sara some rice cereal today for the first time. She wasn't quite sure what to think of it at first. She grabbed the spoon during the first bite and I had to pry her fingers off of it. I was reminded pretty quickly that it's a good idea to hold their hands out of the way... Oh the things you forget.

After she decided it didn't taste too bad she had to try to figure out how to keep it in her mouth.

She didn't make too much of a mess, but didn't eat very much this time around.

Sara found her toes a few weeks ago and has constantly got a good grip on them or is trying to put them in her mouth. I finally quit putting her Robeez on her because she was soaking them through.

Ohhh to be so flexible.

Don't Worry, she's not radio active.
She's just been eating some Fun Dip candy.

I've had several questions about Sara's hair and if it's still curly... It still is, and here's the proof.

If you look close you can probably see some of the wisps of hair that she kept after she was born. They're a good 2-3 inches longer than the rest of her hair.

Well, there you go. Now you're a little more updated.


Silvey Mothership said...

Cute pictures! Maybe eventually the cereal will help her chub up. The green tongue is fun. I'm glad to see the curls back too.

Kirsta Silvey said...

Wow, Sara is super flexible! I hope she continues to enjoy the cereal and to grow. I really like that crazy picture of Kaylee!

Kirsta Silvey said...
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Lecia said...

Thanks for the pictures. You kids are so cute. I love Sara's curly hair. Kaylee's green tongue is a real trip! Cute, Thanks