Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010
Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Sunday, March 22, 2009


Bryant's preschool class went to the Bean Museum at BYU this week. He had a blast! This is what he had to say about it in a letter to Grandma and Grandpa Hanks, I thought you all would enjoy it too. " It was good and was sooo fun. I got to touch a snake and it felt like a basketball. I felt a lizard and a tortoise." He has improved a lot over the year. He is excited to go to school everyday now and no longer needs coaxing. His teacher said he doesn't hesitate to participate in the activities anymore and is doing much better at writing. Although, he often has to be reminded that he does actually know how to write the letters.

I met with Kaylee's teacher this week and was told that she is doing great, of course. She is very good with math and memorization. She's the champion in our house at playing memory match. She is learning to read and is gaining confidence in that. She and Rachel have both started soccer this week. We'll post game schedules and pictures when we have them. She and Bryant are at the age that they either play very well together, or are fighting a lot depending on the day. It's a lot of fun to hear them play Star Wars or guys, because usually Bryant will not play with the barbies. ;)

Rachel has lost her second tooth and was so excited to put it under her pillow. It took the tooth fairy two and a half nights to come though. (It finally came while we were flying kites.) We think it got confused because Rachel was sleeping in Bryant's room and changed where she put her tooth from one night to the next. She was very excited to finally get a dollar after checking under her pillow frequently. Rachel is also doing very well in school. She is reading above grade level and has now had two perfect scores on her word tests (spelling).

Sara is growing so fast. She can now roll from stomach to back and back to stomach. She has really started reaching for anything and everything she can touch. She is becoming more content to play by herself for longer and usually enjoys tummy time. She still smiles at everyone who will smile back and loves to be around her siblings. She is such a joy to our lives. The kids still like to hold her and play with her. Rachel and Kaylee are especially happy that she now sleeps in their room at night. (Although I think Kaylee is tiring of being woken up in the mornings.)

We are all enjoying the warmer weather and can't wait for it to stick around. The kids rode bikes and have walked home from school a couple of times. I've been out rollerblading a bit too. We've also had a couple of picnic lunches out on the grass. It's so nice to have sunshine and warmth after several months of cold. I am getting anxious for school to end and hoping to have a little more time for crafting and scrapbooking, maybe.
We are so thankful to be in our home and enjoying this time in our lives. We are especially thankful that Caleb has such a good job during this tough economic time and are glad that he works so hard to provide for us and allow me to be at home to take care of kids and help things run smoother.


Silvey Mothership said...

Silly tooth fairy, she had a tough time getting what was coming to her. The kids are so good, I enjoy the updates. Can't wait to go to a soccer game or two. See ya later this week.

Kirsta Silvey said...

Yahoo for such smarty-pants kids! I'm glad the Silveys are such a smart bunch.

Hiatt Family said...

Your kids are growing up so fast! It was fun to see them and PLAY with them. You have a bunch of smarties for kids!

Melody's Gazette said...

I am looking forward to some crafting and scrapbooking too! :)

Bradley, DeAnna, Donovan, and Chamae said...

It sounds like they are doing great. I'm glad Bryant isn't being a stinker and actually likes school now! They are all so smart and I'm sure Sara will be too. I can't imagine that tiny little body of hers rolling around!

Lecia said...

Sounds like good things are happening in Spanish Fork. Good job to all!! & Congratulations. Tell Rachel congratluations from us in SC. We are so happy the Tooth Fairy found the right pillow. Can certainly be a challenge sometimes.