Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010
Silvey Family - Myrtle Beach 2010

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Bryant's Cardiologist Checkup

Bryant saw the cardiologist yesterday for his yearly check up. They did the ultrasound of his heart, which he had to be very still for so he was given a sucker and chose "Happy Feet" as the movie he wanted to watch. They got him all hooked up and showed him the blue gel they were going to put on him (he thought that was cool) and the "flat camera" that needed the gel to work. We were glad he's big enough to hold still and didn't have to be sedated this time. After about 30 minutes of laying there for the ultrasound we met with the cardiologist. The day before we went Bryant told me he wanted to listen to his heart so we asked the doctor and of course she let him. He was so excited about that and said it sounded "low." He got to pick three prizes when we were all done and they were all blue.

The cardiologist said his murmur looks better. She's very glad they didn't do the balloon procedure before and he shouldn't need it now. The gradient of his Aortic Stenosis decreased from 60 mm mercury to 40 mm mercury. The gradient is basically a measurement of the pressure used to push the blood through the aortic valve on his heart. It's down to the low range now so is not as big of a concern. She said that now they just watch to make sure the heart above the valve doesn't start thickening, showing it's stressed with the extra work. She said she still doesn't want him playing football as a team sport, but soccer's ok. ;-) It's great news and we were so excited to hear it. Hopefully it be more good news at his appointment next year.


Bradley, DeAnna, Donovan, and Chamae said...

That's great news! Who needs football when you can play soccer anyway? I hope you guys have fun seeing Bradley today, we wish we could see you too!

Genealogy Dad said...

I'm still logged in under Dad's blog. I just wanted to let Bry know how proud we are of him for being such a great kid to be still that long! It's so great that he is healthy and still improving. I agree with DeAnna- football is fun but soccer is Great!

Hiatt Family said...

yea for hearts!

Gina said...

Thanks for the update on Bry. I was wondering about his heart condition. It's a good thing he can play soccer....sheesh!!